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Photos de classe des correspondants amricains

mardi 28 février 2017, par Mme CHERVIN

Voici les photos de 3 classes que Mme Pellitteri a en franais. Sur ces photos les lves portent les couleurs de leur tablissement : l’orange et le noir l’occasion du "spirit day" qui correspond un peu notre semaine autrement.

Period 5 :

Period 7 :

Period 8 :

Le challenge demand nos lves est de se "connecter" son correspondant seulement par le biais des lettres dans les deux langues sans le rechercher en ligne.
Ils pourront s’ils le souhaitent rester en contact par d’autres moyens la fin de cette anne scolaire.

Voici quelques avis des lves amricians sur la correspondance :

En franais avec quelques erreurs non corriges...

"C’etait trs drle de lire les lettre parce que quand ils ecrivent en anglais c’est similaire a comment nous ecrivons en francais"
"J’aime comprendre une autre culture et bien sur recevoir une lettre de mon correspondant qui a le mme age que moi. J’adore les photos et couleurs dan les lettres aussi, ca c’est tres mignon. Finalement, la chose jaime la meilleur est faire un noveau ami."
"Pour moi, je pense c’etait interessant de savoir ce que les eleves francais pensent de Donald Trump".
"J’aime apprendre la France parce-que c’est trs different des Etas Unis. "

"I personally love receiving and writing the French pen pal letters ! there’s something so thoughtful and caring and personal about receiving a letter in the mail because today everything is all digital and electronic today and it’s not as personal or caring. I think it’s also interesting learning and seeing first hand French because there’s only so much you can learn in a classroom. It’s also exciting to receive something so personal and that someone worked so hard on. "

"I believe that our pen pal exchange is eye opening to a new culture. I have learned new words and sayings that our pen pals have shown to us. "

"I enjoy receiving letters because I think it is cool to have another friend from another country."

"I find this exchange very interesting because of the fact that my penpal and I are very different people. We have very different interests and lives. I generally wouldn’t have the opportunity to associate with someone so different from myself. "

"I love receiving letters from my pen pal. It is really fun to do this and I love that people put time and effort into making these letters. My favorite part of the letters is when the pen pals try to write in English. "

"I really like these letters ! They are so fun and funny, and they are really helping me become more fluent in reading French. I am also becoming more familiar with French culture ! These letters are really improving my French all around !"

"Receiving the letters has been very educational and entertaining. I’ve learned so much about French culture through these letters. I liked learning about my penpal’s Christmas traditions !"

"The thing that has been most interesting about receiving penpal letters, is getting to know someone who lives so far away and being able to share interests with them. Getting a letter and getting information about how different our lives in America are than France is so cool because little by little I start understanding their lives better."